Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Celebrity Death List Game

My husband and I have a little game that we play every year that some may consider to be in poor taste. In January we each pick three celebrities that we predict will die during that year. Whoever has the most correct celebrity deaths wins. We don't even have an actual prize, you just "win." Last year we got my sister to join in. She picked Jack Lalanne and two other poor souls that I cannot remember. I chose Bea Arthur, Barack Obama and Amy Winehouse, while my husband Roger chose Tony Bennett, Paul Newman and Britney Spears.

I know it sounds sick but we really get competitive with this game. The first thing my sister said when Heath Ledger died was "Damn, I wish he was on my list!" All I can say is that the death of Paul Newman was sad for me on many levels due to this game. Unfortunately for me the wrong Golden Girl died (RIP Estelle Getty) and Roger won with his one correct death, the bastard.

This year I have retained Bea Arthur and added another Golden Girl, Betty White. Due to some drunken reminiscing on New Years Eve my final slot went to Dick Clark. Roger unfortunately came up with another excellent list. He kept Tony Bennett (the dude is 82!) and added two cancer patients: Patrick Swayze and Ted Kennedy. My brother also joined in this year and went with two overweight aging musicians: BB King and Aretha Franklin. He gave his final slot to John McCain (to show all those republicans that they almost put another moron in the oval office).

There is no real point to the game and it is "kind of" in poor taste, however whenever a celebrity passes we do pay attention. Every time I log into yahoo! I go straight to the entertainment news page to check to see who is the latest celeb to croak. Today it was Ricardo Montalban. You really never know who will be next. I hate to say it but I can only hope that it's a Golden Girl - other than Rue McClanahan of course. No offense Dorothy and Rose but here's hoping that all those late night trips to the fridge for cheesecake finally catch up with you.


  1. I;m gonna jump right in here and say ...
    Ron Popiel (via: water skiing accident)
    George Forman (via: fried meat-related heart attack)
    Miley Cirrus {via: o.d.)

  2. Can we overlap because I really want Patrick Swayze. My ideal list would be:

    Patrick Swayze
    Dick Cheyne
    Artie Lange

    If I can't have Patrick Swayze I'll take Abe Vigoda

    Peace Out

  3. Unfortunately if it is taken you can't use it - those be da rules. Abe Vigoda it is - excellent choice I might add.

  4. Shirley Temple, Doris Day and Yanni

  5. I explained the game to a friend of mine and she immediately thought of la Duquesa de Alba. Spanish aristocracy provides endless options. A tip for next year.
