Sunday, February 22, 2009

More Oscar deliciousness

1. Was that little Pineaple Express skit a cry for help? Franco and Rogen are very talented, but they won't get any recognition until they play crippled nazi homosexual hero in a holocaust drama or a slightly retarded dad (never go full tard). Downey in "Tropic Thunder" was an oddity, and it should happen more often.

2. Jackman was born in the wrong Hollywood decade. Give him a 50s musical, ASAP.Beyonce, not so much, as the 50s were not as nice with colored women, sadly. The medley is actually pretty awesome, very old Hollywood. Me likes.

3. Of course it was Bahz Lurman's. Moulin Rouge was robbed!

4. Glad to see Joel Grey. The five supporting actors are wonderful picks (Cuba excluded), although Arkin won it for the wrong movie. In terms of the winner, really, who else could win. Heath was just inhuman; the most terrifying anarchist ever seen on a screen. He carries what for me was (fuck Slumdog) the best movie of the year. Period.

5. For accepting Heath's Oscar, I would rather have seen Gary Oldman being humbled or Christian Bale freaking out at the guy that does the lighting.

6. Seeing Bill Malher (who is awesome) cracking jokes and talking about highbrow documentaries is just odd.

7. Less tributes to action and comedies and more true recognition. LOTR aside, nerds have been left in the dust in these shows. Christ, a lot of good action this year; "Iron Man" alone was a riot worth four Benjamin Butons. Using The Hives, in any case, screams awesome.

8. FX for fucking Button. Really. Really. Have they seen it? While awake?

9. Less moron presenters, more Tina Fey. Please.

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